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Hypochlorous Acid (HOCl) has emerged as a revolutionary ingredient in the skin care industry, harnessing the body’s own mechanisms for fighting infections to provide a wide array of skin benefits. Produced naturally by white blood cells to combat pathogens, HOCl’s transition from a medical disinfectant to a key player in skin care formulations marks a significant advancement. Its antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and wound-healing properties make it suitable for treating conditions ranging from acne and eczema to promoting overall skin health and hydration. Recent technological innovations, particularly in electrolysis, have enabled the production of stable, pH-neutral HOCl solutions that replicate the molecule’s natural structure and function, making it safe and effective for topical application across all skin types. Despite its efficacy and safety, the integration of HOCl into skin care regimens has sparked debates concerning the formulation, stability, and concentration of HOCl-based products. Ensuring that these products are correctly diluted and tested for safety remains a critical concern among dermatologists and consumers alike. Additionally, there’s an ongoing dialogue regarding the best practices for incorporating HOCl with other skin care ingredients and the potential for DIY approaches to compromise its effectiveness or lead to adverse skin reactions. HOCl’s role in skin care is backed by a growing body of research that highlights its potential not only in addressing specific skin conditions but also in routine skin maintenance. This includes its utility in acne treatment, daily skin cleansing, hydration, and its exceptional suitability for sensitive or compromised skin. Furthermore, its inherent properties as a naturally occurring substance in the human immune system underscore its biocompatibility and potential for minimal side effects, making it a promising addition to both therapeutic and cosmetic skin care products. As the skin care industry continues to evolve, HOCl stands out for its unique blend of natural occurrence, technological innovation, and versatile applications. The ongoing research, development of new formulations, and increasing consumer interest in natural and effective skin care solutions point towards a bright future for HOCl in dermatology and cosmeceuticals. With its scientifically proven benefits and growing market presence, HOCl is poised to become a staple in skin health and maintenance, promising a natural, effective, and gentle approach to skin care.


Hypochlorous Acid (HOCl) represents a significant advancement in skin care, leveraging the body’s natural defense mechanisms to support and protect the skin’s microbiome. This naturally occurring molecule, produced by white blood cells as a response to infection or injury, plays a crucial role in the human immune response[1]. Its antimicrobial properties, demonstrated through both in-vitro and in-vivo studies, highlight its effectiveness in destroying pathogenic organisms, a process known as the respiratory burst[2]. The production of HOCl for skin care products has been made possible through technological advancements, particularly through the process of electrolysis, which involves the combination of salt, vinegar, and water, and the application of an electrical current to change the chemical structure[3]. This process yields a solution that replicates the HOCl produced within the human body, thus offering a safe and highly effective antimicrobial agent suitable for all skin types[1]. Research into the formulation and stability of HOCl-based products is ongoing, with emphasis on maintaining the physiochemical properties of HOCl to ensure its efficacy upon application to the skin. Factors such as pH and formulation stability are critical, with products like Microcyn® Technology showcasing a stable, pH-neutralized HOCl solution that remains noncytotoxic and effective for up to two years[2]. Such developments underscore the potential of HOCl in the realm of skin care, offering ready-to-use vehicles for topical application that support skin health while aligning with the body’s natural processes[2]. However, the formulation of HOCl-based skin care products requires careful consideration of factors such as light, heat, and pH changes, which can affect the stability and efficacy of HOCl. The purity of the ingredients, particularly the salt used in the electrolysis process, is paramount to ensuring the stability and shelf life of the final product[4]. As the industry continues to explore the potential of HOCl in skin care, products like those developed by Thoclor Labs illustrate the viability of creating perfectly pure and stable versions of this compound. Such advancements not only highlight the potential growth within this niche but also offer promising avenues for future research and development[5].

Historical Background

The utilization of Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) in skin care traces its origins to the body’s innate immune response. HOCl is produced by white blood cells as a natural disinfectant to combat infection, bacteria, and other pathogens[6]. This substance is pivotal in the body’s defense system, breaking down the cell walls of invading pathogens and neutralizing them. The discovery of HOCl’s role in the immune system underscores its importance in health and hygiene practices[7]. Historically, the potential of HOCl as a skin care ingredient was not immediately recognized due to the focus on its antimicrobial properties for industrial and medical applications[7]. It is the oldest known disinfectant in nature, and its presence in every human body highlights its fundamental role in human health[7]. The skin, harboring complex communities of microorganisms, benefits from HOCl’s ability to support a healthy microbiome, demonstrating the compound’s versatility beyond its antimicrobial action[8]. Recent advancements in technology and a deeper understanding of skin physiology have paved the way for the incorporation of HOCl into skin care formulations. Thoclor Labs, among others, has developed stable versions of HOCl that are tailored for skin application, supporting the skin’s microbiome and offering several benefits, including managing acne, inflammation, and redness[5][9]. This innovation marks a significant departure from traditional disinfectant uses, showcasing the adaptability and potential of HOCl in enhancing skin health. As skin care science progresses, the historical context of HOCl reveals the compound’s journey from a naturally occurring disinfectant within the body to a key ingredient in modern skin care practices. Its ability to fight off infections and support the skin’s natural ecosystem underscores the blend of ancient wisdom and contemporary science that characterizes the development of HOCl-based skin care solutions[7][6].

Chemical Natureand Production

Chemical Nature

Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) is a weak acid that forms when chlorine gas dissolves in water, undergoing partial dissociation to form the hypochlorite anion. It represents a powerful disinfecting agent, leveraging its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties[10][11]. This substance is comprised of hydrogen, oxygen, and chlorine, a composition that contributes to its efficacy in various applications, including skin care[11]. The stability of hypochlorous acid solutions is sensitive to the presence of acids or bases, and introducing other substances can drive the reaction towards the production of chlorine gas or alter the balance between HOCl and other chlorine species[10][12].


The generation of hypochlorous acid outside the human body involves a synthetic process known as electrolysis. This method utilizes a direct electric current to catalyze a chemical reaction that would not spontaneously occur. By running electricity through a mixture of sodium chloride (table salt) and water, and sometimes vinegar, electrolysis cells are able to produce a solution dominated by hypochlorous acid (HOCl) rather than its salt, sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl-)[3] [13]. The technology for creating electrolyzed water, which is nearly 99% hypochlorous acid, marked a significant innovation in the 1970s, with subsequent improvements enhancing the efficiency and stability of the resulting solutions[13]. A specific approach to the production and storage of hypochlorous acid has been described, emphasizing the use of high purity water obtained through softening and reverse osmosis. The storage conditions significantly impact the shelf life of HOCl, with opaque PET bottles or Nylon/PE bags being recommended to preserve its stability[14]. Furthermore, ensuring the purity and compatibility of any added ingredients or additives is crucial for maintaining the stability and efficacy of hypochlorous acid in various applications, necessitating rigorous testing and verification in laboratory settings[12].


Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) is recognized for its robust antimicrobial properties, making it a valuable agent in skin care and wound management. The effectiveness of HOCl against bacteria, viruses, and biofilms is attributed to its multifaceted mechanism of action. This mechanism includes inhibiting bacterial growth, cell division, and protein synthesis, along with oxidizing sulfhydryl enzymes and amino acids. It decreases adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production, breaks DNA strands, and depresses DNA synthesis, thereby showcasing a broad-spectrum of antimicrobial activity[15]. The multi-mechanism action of HOCl makes the development of bacterial resistance unlikely, further enhancing its appeal as a treatment option[15][2].

Antimicrobial Properties

HOCl demonstrates a multimodal mechanism of action. It not only interferes with active cell processes such as protein and DNA synthesis but also causes cell wall damage and DNA breakage. This is due to uncharged HOCl molecules readily penetrating bacterial cell walls and subsequently inhibiting DNA synthesis, protein synthesis through oxidation of thiol-containing proteins and enzymes, and bacterial growth by depressing DNA replication and inhibiting cell wall synthesis[15]. Studies have shown HOCl to be effective against a range of microorganisms, including E. coli, P. gingivalis, E. faecalis, and S. sanguinis, particularly in the context of bacterial biofilms on titanium alloy surfaces[16]. This effectiveness against biofilms is crucial since biofilm formation by bacteria such as Acinetobacter baumannii, Staphylococcus aureus, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa can cause prolonged wound infections[17].

Anti-inflammatoryand Healing Properties

Besides its antimicrobial action, HOCl exhibits excellent anti-inflammatory and immune-modulatory effects. These properties are significant for treating chronic or inflammatory skin conditions such as acne, psoriasis, eczema, atopic dermatitis, and seborrheic dermatitis. The ability of HOCl to modulate inflammation while promoting wound healing is particularly valuable, given the complex interplay between inflammation, microbial infection, and the skin’s healing process[18][2]. Furthermore, HOCl has been reported to be well-tolerated by patients, able to eliminate wound odor, and effective in cleansing, debriding, and promoting wound healing, which underscores its utility in a comprehensive skin care strategy[2].

Skin Care Applications

Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) is gaining recognition for its broad and effective applications in skin care, demonstrating benefits that cater to a variety of skin conditions and routine care needs. Its unique properties make it a versatile addition to skincare regimens, offering both therapeutic and cosmetic advantages.

Acne Treatment

The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of HOCl contribute significantly to acne management. Studies have highlighted its efficacy in treating mild to moderate acne, with patients experiencing substantial improvement without adverse effects[19]. This makes HOCl a promising option for the over 50 million Americans dealing with acne annually, offering hope to those seeking alternatives to traditional acne treatments[19].

Daily Skin Care and Hydration

HOCl is formulated into convenient sprays for facial application, serving as a quick-absorbing and easy-to-use product for on-the-go hydration. It is particularly recommended for use after workouts, helping to refresh and soothe the skin[20]. Given its safety profile, skin care products containing HOCl can be incorporated into daily routines to support skin health, fight bacterial skin problems, and even serve as a sanitizing agent in higher concentrations[9].

Wound Care

HOCl plays a critical role in wound care, attributed to its presence in the body and its ability to promote healing through its antimicrobial action and optimal pH environment for wound healing[21][22]. It has shown effectiveness in managing the bacterial burden in chronic wounds and improving healing outcomes[23].

Eczema and Atopic Dermatitis

Research suggests that HOCl is beneficial in alleviating the symptoms of eczema and atopic dermatitis (AD), including dryness, itching, and irritation. Its gentle nature makes it suitable for daily care, potentially reducing the need for more aggressive treatments[24][25].

Anti-aging and Skin Sensitivities

HOCl formulations are known to support the skin’s natural defenses against irritation, inflammation, and sensitivities post-procedures. Moreover, they target signs of aging, including wrinkles, blemishes, and hyper-pigmentation, while being gentle enough for those with sensitive skin conditions like eczema, rosacea, and psoriasis[18][26].

Safety Considerations

While the efficacy of HOCl in various skin applications is well-documented, it is essential to note that not all skin care products are created equal. The skin’s high absorption rate underscores the need for carefully formulated products to avoid potential adverse effects on overall health[27]. Products containing HOCl are tested for safety, ensuring they are diluted correctly to be harsh on harmful bacteria but gentle on the skin[9].

Formulations and Stability

The development and stabilization of hypochlorous acid (HOCl) formulations for skin care have been the focus of significant research, due to HOCl’s potential benefits in treating a variety of skin disorders. The stability and efficacy of HOCl solutions are influenced by their physiochemical properties, which are highly dependent on pH levels and formulation stability[2][28].

pH-Neutral Formulations

A core HOCl formulation, known as Microcyn® Technology, has been highlighted for its stable, noncytotoxic, and pH- neutral properties, designed to enhance therapeutic activity, skin tolerability, and stability. This formulation has demonstrated stability for up to two years, making it a significant advancement in the utilization of HOCl for topical skin applications[2]. pH-neutral HOCl formulations, including solutions, gels, and sprays, have been evaluated across various studies, showing antimicrobial effects and therapeutic benefits in treating conditions such as seborrheic dermatitis, atopic dermatitis-associated pruritus, acne vulgaris, diabetic foot ulcers, and hypertrophic scars/keloids[2].

Stability Challenges

Despite these advancements, maintaining a stable HOCl solution remains challenging. Factors such as ultraviolet (UV) light, contact with air, elevated temperatures (≥25℃), and the presence of certain organic compounds and inorganic ions can significantly decrease the stability and microbicidal activity of HOCl solutions[28]. These instabilities necessitate precise control over the formulation and storage conditions to preserve HOCl’s effectiveness[28].

Formulation Ingredientsand Production Methods

To address these challenges, innovative methods have been developed for producing HOCl. One such method involves electrolyzed water, combining salt, vinegar, and water, and passing an electrical current through the mixture. This process alters the chemical structure to produce HOCl, thereby enabling the effective harnessing of its germ-killing applications beyond the body’s natural production[3].

Consumer Safety and Dilution

For skincare applications, particularly in consumer products, safety is paramount. The hypochlorous acid used in skincare must be diluted to specific concentrations (e.g., 100 parts per million) to ensure it is safe for topical use. Skin care brands have adopted such dilution and conducted safety testing to meet consumer safety standards[9].

Safetyand Efficacy

Safety Profile

Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) is recognized for its safety on the skin, similar to well-known skincare ingredients such as salicylic acid and hyaluronic acid[11]. Its formulation, designed to avoid common allergens like fragrances, dyes, or preservatives, aligns with the Mayo Clinic’s SkinSafe ratings, emphasizing its suitability for sensitive skin[29].

Nevertheless, individuals with sensitivity or allergies to chlorine or hypochlorite may experience mild irritation or should consider avoiding HOCl altogether[4]. The physiochemical properties of HOCl, including its pH and formula stability, play a significant role in its skin tolerability[2]. Products containing HOCl are formulated to minimize skin absorption of potentially harmful substances, reflecting a broader concern over skincare products that penetrate the skin and enter the bloodstream[27].

Efficacyin Skin Care

Hypochlorous acid has demonstrated effectiveness in various skin care applications, from acting as an anti- inflammatory and antimicrobial agent to facilitating wound care. Its ability to destroy bacteria without harming fragile cells critical to wound healing is attributed to its neutral charge and strong oxidation potential[13]. This effectiveness is particularly noted at an optimal pH range of 3.5 to 5.5, with a concentration of 300 ppm, ensuring its potency and safety for clinical use[22]. Moreover, HOCl’s compatibility with other skincare ingredients like niacinamide, hyaluronic acid, and salicylic acid allows for a comprehensive skincare regimen that can address multiple concerns simultaneously[4].

Antimicrobial and Anti-inflammatory Properties

HOCl’s antimicrobial properties have been proven effective against a variety of pathogens, including bacteria and viruses such as SARS-CoV-2, making it a valuable ingredient in hospital settings and for general skin care[11]. Its anti- inflammatory capabilities further contribute to its utility in treating skin conditions and wounds, offering a dual approach to skin health[11].

Applicationsin Acne Treatment

Recent studies underscore HOCl’s potential in treating mild-to-moderate acne, highlighting both its efficacy and high tolerance in users. The studies involved new HOCl-based products, including gels and solutions, which showed significant results in acne treatment[19]. This finding is consistent with the broader applicability of HOCl in skin care, where it can be used not just for daily skincare routines but also for targeted treatments such as acne breakouts, soothing sunburns, or even as a hand sanitizer[9].

Regulationand Recommendations

Ingredient Verificationand Testing

To ensure the safety and efficacy of Hypochlorous Acid (HOCl) in skin care, any ingredient or additive intended to be included alongside HOCl must undergo rigorous verification and testing processes. These processes are crucial to ascertain that the added substances do not negatively impact the stability of HOCl in both the short and long term. The spectrum of substances that require testing before being added includes fragrances, other disinfectants, surfactants, acids or bases, solvents, colourants, nutrients, plant material, metal, oil, minerals, and any pesticides. Various laboratory tests are mandatory to guarantee that these additives are compatible with HOCl and do not compromise its effectiveness and safety[12].

Safe Useand Concentrations

Hypochlorous Acid is recognized for its gentle, non-cytotoxic properties, making it suitable for daily use in skincare routines, even for individuals with sensitive skin. However, its safe application is contingent upon adherence to recommended concentrations and usage guidelines. Consumers are advised to follow these guidelines closely to avoid any potential adverse effects. Should any negative reactions occur, discontinuing use and consulting a healthcare professional is recommended[4].

Potential Applicationsand Safety

HOCl’s versatility extends beyond its use as a skincare ingredient; it is also effective in higher concentrations for applications such as hand sanitizers. Despite its broad utility, the emphasis remains on the importance of using skin- care products containing HOCl within the recommended guidelines. Dr. DeRosa highlights its safety for everyday use, noting its effectiveness for spot-treating acne, soothing sunburns, or even as a hand sanitizing solution. This underscores HOCl’s role as a multifaceted ingredient beneficial in various skincare and sanitary applications[9].

Future Considerations

Despite the current limited availability of products in this category, there is a recognized potential for the future expansion and exploration of HOCl-based products. Advances in technology are expected to enhance the feasibility, practicality, and efficiency of manufacturing, storing, and distributing these products, thereby increasing their accessibility and use in skincare[5].

Recent Researchand Developments

Recent years have seen a significant increase in research into the potential of hypochlorous acid (HOCl) for skin care, driven by its proven antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. The effectiveness of HOCl against a range of pathogens, including those responsible for COVID-19, has particularly spotlighted its utility beyond traditional disinfection applications[6].

Antimicrobial Applications

HOCl’s antimicrobial efficacy has been thoroughly documented, both in vitro and in vivo. Studies have demonstrated its ability to combat bacterial biofilms on medical implant surfaces, suggesting its suitability for cleaning infected implants[16]. Such properties indicate HOCl could play a critical role in managing infections in clinical settings and in the development of skin care products designed to maintain healthy skin microbiomes.

Skin Care and Healing

In the context of skin care, HOCl has shown promise in treating atopic dermatitis-associated pruritus, with a study highlighting its efficacy and safety for managing wide post-surgical lesions of the diabetic foot[2]. This underscores the potential of HOCl-based formulations in supporting wound healing and treating skin conditions characterized by inflammation and itchiness.

Safety Profile

HOCl’s safety for topical use has also been a subject of investigation, with studies examining its ocular irritation, skin sensitization, and wound toxicology profiles[30]. Preliminary findings support the safety of HOCl in skin care applications, providing a foundation for its inclusion in consumer products.

Product Development

The development of HOCl-based products for skin care is on the rise, with companies exploring its benefits for skin health and hygiene. Thoclor Labs, for instance, has developed a stable version of HOCl for its Skin Series formulations, aimed at supporting the skin’s microbiome[5]. The meticulous process of ensuring ingredient compatibility underscores the challenges and opportunities in harnessing HOCl’s full potential for skin care[12].

Manufacturing Advances

Advancements in electrolysis have enabled the efficient production of HOCl by electrically charging salt, water, and vinegar. This process not only facilitates the creation of antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory solutions but also positions HOCl as a safer, more versatile alternative to traditional disinfectants[11]. As technology evolves, it is anticipated that HOCl will become increasingly accessible for a broad range of applications, from at-home cleaning to professional skin care treatments.

Controversies and Debates

The integration of Hypochlorous Acid (HOCl) in skin care routines has not been without its share of controversies and debates. One primary area of concern has been the practice of layering multiple skin care products and ingredients, a trend especially prevalent among younger individuals seeking innovative or cost-effective solutions. Dermatologist Blyumin-Karasik warns against the risks associated with the DIY application of potentially hazardous ingredients such as baking soda or lemon juice, which can lead to significant skin irritation[27]. This highlights the broader debate regarding the safety and efficacy of homemade skin care remedies versus professionally formulated products. Further, the growing buzz around HOCl, particularly its efficacy as a disinfectant against COVID-19 and its potential benefits in treating acne, has raised questions about consumer safety[6]. While hypochlorous acid is naturally produced by the body and has been replicated in various skin care formulations, the physiochemical properties of HOCl and its effectiveness can significantly depend on factors such as pH and formulation stability[2]. This has led to discussions among experts and consumers alike about the importance of choosing products that are correctly diluted and tested for safety. Skin-care brands have addressed these concerns by ensuring that HOCl concentrations are diluted appropriately and undergo safety testing to prevent harm to the skin while maintaining antimicrobial effectiveness[9]. Moreover, there is an ongoing debate about the role of HOCl in treating common skin conditions such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis. While studies and dermatologists have touted its benefits, pointing out that when correctly formulated, HOCl can be harsh on harmful bacteria yet gentle on skin, even sensitive types[9], there remains a call for more extensive research to fully understand its mechanisms and long-term effects[19][2].

Future Directions

The potential of Hypochlorous Acid (HOCl) in skin care is on the brink of significant exploration and development. As technology evolves, making it more feasible and practical to manufacture, store, and distribute HOCl-based products, the market is expected to see a rise in these offerings. The increasing awareness and demand for safer, more natural alternatives in personal care products further fuel this anticipated growth. The shift towards ingredients that not only preserve the integrity of skincare products but also promote well-being, such as HOCl, aligns with consumer preferences for healthier beauty routines. Experts like Blyumin-Karasik suggest seeking out products with safer ingredients, underscoring the potential for HOCl to become a mainstream skincare component[27].

Moreover, the recent buzz surrounding HOCl, particularly its effectiveness as a disinfectant against COVID-19, has already started to position it as a key ingredient in the skincare industry[6]. Its proven safety for daily use in recommended concentrations, combined with its beneficial properties for skin health, underscores its viability and potential for wider adoption in skincare regimens[4]. Given its properties and the emerging consumer trends towards natural and effective skincare solutions, HOCl is poised for integration into various skincare products. Its ability to be formulated as a convenient spray enhances its appeal for on-the-go use, particularly post-exercise, adding to its versatility and attractiveness as a skincare solution[20].

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